Martial Way Legacy

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Practical to Tactical Core Exercises -  Part Two

This series is one of our oldest training formats that will offer you solo and partner training opportunities. It also gives you the ability to practice anywhere and develop a functional core that is practical in everyday life; while becoming more tactical in self-defense and martial arts training.

Click HERE to watch the instructional video.

Using a partner will help you understand this second set better because they can introduce what we call Variable Training to the previous "Walking On The Back" drills.  This format reverses our original concept and makes it tactical to practical.  Doing this breaks the pattern of moving in a routine and enhances your level of adaptability while giving you more cardio and a much greater overall core burn.  Your partner could be anyone from a friend, significant other, child, or even pet, which opens up the possibilities for more fun with your training.  

In a tactical application with someone in front of you, your goal is to make sure you keep one foot on the ground to enhance your adjustment while using the other foot in the air to fend off the opponent. Practicing this keeps a barrier between you and your opponent while allowing you to make quick adjustments to the ever-changing direction during this scenario.   

If you are without a partner, use this interval to practice making quick adjustments from left to right as if someone is changing their direction. You can practice this with your imagination, as well as with audible cues from your favorite music. Every time a song changes from instrumental to lyrics, adjust your direction, or every time the beats and tempo change, so do you.  

If your time to practice these drills is less, you could fast forward and practice this set by itself; however, it will be a much better workout to warm up with Part One and build up to this exercise. 

As before, if your core is strong, you may extend the time longer or also work one round with both feet in the air, which is a great practical way to enhance the burn because it is hard to change directions quickly. Similar to part one, another great way to intensify this drill is to lower the leg that is in the air.  In doing this, you will force more strain on your overall abdomen. This format increases a burn diagonally across your core.  

Stay tuned for more of this series and other instructional videos on our YouTube Channel at:

Feel the burn and enjoy!



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"
