Martial Way Legacy

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X-Factor Friday Kickboxing MMA

We are excited to welcome back an “old school” class we used to host at our Ohlen Road location years ago. In the old days, this class was full of sweaty bodies, puddles, and only DMX blasting from the speakers. You can expect nothing less. 

This class will showcase topics and drills that have nothing to do with our weekly progressions. It will keep you on your toes and give you a great workout with more cutting-edge material to develop your skills. Best of all, we are not setting an ending time. We will finish when we are finished. Now it is Friday, so we promise we won’t keep you here all night.  We do want to give you everything we have planned.  Most importantly, we do want you to give it your all.  

By scheduling this class only once per month, on the second Friday of each month, we hope to pack the room with all of you working hard, or as we like to say, “Earning it and burning it.” So, if you are looking to learn new material and push yourself a little more, then this class is for you.  

This class is open to everyone and is included in their normal membership. “Drop-ins” are welcome for $30 per session. No experience is needed, just heart, fire, and desire to get better.   Register HERE if you are dropping in.

We hope to see you here!  



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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"
