Martial Way Legacy

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The ELF Holds Us Back

As I was reading some more I noticed that these three simple words hold us back in everything we could potentially achieve. 

E = Ego
L = Laziness
F = Fear

The ego represents your self-esteem and your feelings.  It is something that is delicate and has to have balance.  You can both grow your ego and keep it in “check” by trying new things, challenging yourself and most importantly allowing yourself to fail.  Yes, I said fail.  So what keeps us from making any of these three paths a reality?  

Laziness and Fear.

Laziness happens when we are not inclined to work or even exert any energy towards something.  It happens as we get comfortable.  It happens when it is cold out and you don’t want to get out of bed.  In order to combat laziness we must remember what Bruce Lee (founder of Jeet Kune Do - JKD) said.  “It’s from the old that you have security, but it’s from the new that you grow and learn to adapt.” 

This perspective will help defeat your comfort zones.  Once you do, there can only be one thing that holds you back.  It is as Napoleon Hill said, “the greatest single obstacle to success.”  The #1 killer of all forward progress is FEAR!

It starts as a thought of what might happen or not happen when you begin something new.  That thought will prey on your emotions and paralyze you so bad that you won’t even take a step forward.  So how do you stop fear from growing inside you?  Simple.  Show up!  

By making it to the starting line you will place yourself outside of fear’s reach.  When the whistle blows there will be less time to think because you will have to get into action.  Action is the opposite of laziness!  You are combating the comfort and best of all, you are challenging yourself and your ego!  As Woody Allen said, “80% of success is showing up.”

Game ON!!! 

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Guro Larry, Sonja, Lauren & Tori St. Clair

Martial Way Legacy

"A Compass to the Preservation of Bruce Lee’s Philosophy and Legacy"
